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Engaged or Enraged? Aligning Culture, Employee Experience, and Performance

41% of employees across the globe crave a stronger culture and better engagement. Are frustrated employees costing your business? In today's competitive landscape, a strong company culture and positive employee experience are essential for driving high performance. But how do you ensure these elements work together?

In this on-demand webinar, our panelists share expertise and practical strategies to help you create a culture that fosters engagement and empowerment while simultaneously building a positive employee experience that boosts satisfaction and productivity, ultimately leading to a high-performing and thriving workforce.

Building a great company culture isn't solely HR's responsibility. Leaders across the organization shape and embody the company's values. We dive into how leaders can play a critical role in fostering a thriving workplace where employees are energized to achieve outstanding results.

Meet the Presenters

Mollie Hinz, Sr. People Partner at Bonusly

Mollie has nearly 8 years of experience working in HR. While her experience has ranged from large enterprise companies to recruiting agencies, rapidly growing tech start-ups are her bread and butter. She has a passion for rapidly growing tech startups and creating inclusive teams.

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Jessica Begley, Chief People Officer at Very

Jessica Begley is a dynamic technology executive residing in the heart of New York City’s Upper West Side. As the Chief People Officer at Very, Jessica has navigated uncharted waters, spearheading the expansion of the company into eight countries, all while cultivating a world-class People Operations team. Very stands as a pioneering fully-distributed IoT services firm, forging partnerships with clients to engineer innovative systems for smart manufacturing, smart energy and utilities, consumer electronics, and connected wellness. Within the technology industry, Jessica is recognized for her people-centric leadership approach and strategic planning acumen, which enables organizations to not merely adapt but thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. She has a comprehensive background in people operations, talent acquisition, talent development, and organizational design. Her passion lies in aligning organizational imperatives with talent strategies, thereby paving the way for businesses to attain their objectives and nurture environments where individuals flourish. In Jessica’s perspective, the future of work hinges on creative solutions and harnessing the power of technology to broaden talent horizons and foster deeper connections, ultimately amplifying their collective impact. She embodies the spirit of innovation, continually pushing the boundaries to redefine the workplace of tomorrow.

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Building high-performing cultures at 3,400+ organizations