Cost of Performance Management Calculator

Performance reviews are nobody's favorite time of year— for both employees and managers. Not only are performance reviews stressful, but studies show that they cost most companies far too much time and money. Discover the cost of a typical manager at your organization to run performance reviews with the Performance Management Calculator.

Employee performance by the numbers

Employees spend an average of 40 hours per year on performance-related activities.

Managers dedicate a staggering 210 hours annually to prepping for reviews alone!

Companies spend an estimated $3,000 per employee on reviews each year.

Over two-thirds of our customers save time on performance reviews using Bonusly. 

Why is performance management so costly and time-consuming?

Traditional performance management is often a frustrating, time-consuming process for both managers and employees. Here's why:

Annual reviews cause a rush to gather information, creating time pressure for managers and potential recency bias.
Managers waste time hunting down past performance data without a central location for feedback and accomplishments.
Managers are often solely responsible for creating performance reviews, which can overwhelm busy managers lacking time and resources for detailed evaluations.

Performance enablement solutions:

Bonusly acts as a single source of truth for employee performance data. Recognition notes, achievements, and feedback are all stored in one place, making it easy for managers to reference information.
With Bonusly, save direct report achievements effortlessly by bookmarking contributions, noting private information for context, and revisiting curated collections during reviews.
Want to see a specific behavior more often? Bonusly incentivizes desired behaviors through recognition. Employees are more likely to repeat positive actions that are acknowledged and rewarded, aligning behavior with company goals.
Bonusly's comprehensive record of achievements helps managers complete accurate and well-rounded performance reviews. No more scrambling to remember past accomplishments–the data speaks for itself.
Bonusly offers a powerful solution that streamlines workflows. Reduce tool bloat and consolidate performance management needs into one user-friendly platform.

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Performance enablement resources


A Manager's Guide to Bonusly: 10 Tips for Team Success


Performance Enablement is the New Performance Management


Managers: The Key to Building High-Performing Teams