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Unlock a Winning Workplace with Bonusly Achieve

Laura Saracho
June 24, 2024
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Bonusly was founded on the belief that people, working on teams, are the primary drivers of business success. And that belief has been unwavering for the 10+ years we have been in the market.

(TL;DR: Check out Bonusly Achieve!)

And while our beliefs have not changed, the workforce has transformed.

In 2013, employee recognition was top-down and infrequent at best—you’d be lucky to receive a (physical!) reward catalog on a 5th anniversary alongside a $50 gift card. While employee recognition and rewards became more continuous and inclusive as the years continued, the pandemic struck in 2020 and turned everything we knew on its head.

(Remember when we all thought we’d be working from home for just a few weeks? Us too.)

The workforce is forever changed

Today, we’re over four years past the onset of the pandemic, and it’s safe to say there is no going back to the way things once were. Over half of the 125 million full-time U.S. workers say they can do their jobs remotely. Of that 60 million, a staggering 90% say they don’t want to come to the office every day.

Working from home has enormous benefits: cost savings for companies, flexibility for employees, and the ability to work—and recruit—from anywhere. But that doesn’t mean it’s shielded from challenges, too.

Remote work means there are fewer organic, unplanned opportunities for employees to interact, learn, and connect. Employees are finding it difficult to understand company culture and values. Junior employees no longer experience those impromptu mentoring and coaching moments from their managers, and employees find it hard to have candid conversations over Zoom. 

So it’s no wonder employee engagement reached its lowest level since 2015. With lower engagement rates come declines in productivity and performance. If employees don’t feel connected to their work and to each other, what will motivate them to put in the effort required to drive business outcomes?

Introducing: Bonusly Achieve

(TL;DR: Check out Bonusly Achieve!)

Bonusly has been a critical solution to the aforementioned challenges, providing the #1 employee engagement solution that fosters and strengthens key relationships at work, connects employees to company values, and fuels motivation and discretionary effort. There’s a reason Bonusly has been rated the #1 employee recognition solution on G2 for nine seasons in a row, and has over 3,400 satisfied customers around the world.

We’ve tackled the problem of top-down, infrequent recognition, and now we’re ready to tackle another paradigm that is also top-town, infrequent, and broken: performance management.

The annual and mid-year review is outdated, ineffective, backward-looking, and demotivating. We believe that performance conversations, constructive feedback, and opportunities for development and growth should be continuous and inclusive (sound familiar?). 

Progressive organizations must embrace a new paradigm—performance enablement—to facilitate collaborative, personalized, and timely interactions between managers and their employees to enhance engagement and achieve business goals. Performance enablement is a people-centric practice that decentralizes feedback and allows employees to take ownership of their growth while empowering managers to inspire top performance. 

But we understand that’s easier said than done. This is why we’re launching Achieve.

With a brand new, collaborative 1:1 meeting platform, built-in manager tools and tips, and the recognition we know and love seamlessly integrated throughout the entire Bonusly experience, Achieve improves manager effectiveness, aligns employee goals to business outcomes, offers clear performance insights, and drives a deeper commitment to continuous employee growth.

Plus, Achieve layers on top of existing Bonusly features that enable peak performance. Acknowledging important milestones through Automated Awards, like work anniversaries, is the first step to making employees feel valued. Enabling employees to recognize their colleagues through peer-to-peer recognition strengthens relationships and engagement. Manager tools and insights reveal how teams are connecting to foster a high-performing culture, where everyone feels seen and celebrated.

“There’s a natural connection between recognition and performance. By marrying the two, everything can click. No other platform is as well positioned to transform performance management than Bonusly.”
- Charles Baughman, ITAC

Our goal is to deliver a solution that enables performance and cultivates an exceptional employee experience, revamping workplaces that win. 

--> Check out Achieve to learn more. 

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